


Author Andreas Jordan (@JordanOrdix),
Availability Windows, Linux, macOS


Want to see the source code for this command? Check out Get-DbaNetworkConfiguration on GitHub.
Want to see the Bill Of Health for this command? Check out Get-DbaNetworkConfiguration.


Returns the network configuration of a SQL Server instance as shown in SQL Server Configuration Manager.


Returns a PowerShell object with the network configuration of a SQL Server instance as shown in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

As we get information from SQL WMI and also from the registry, we use PS Remoting to run the core code on the target machine.

For a detailed explanation of the different properties see the documentation at:


    [-SqlInstance] <DbaInstanceParameter[]>
    [[-Credential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-OutputType] <String>]




Example: 1
PS C:\> Get-DbaNetworkConfiguration -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a

Returns the network configuration for the default instance on sqlserver2014a.

Example: 2
PS C:\> Get-DbaNetworkConfiguration -SqlInstance winserver\sqlexpress, sql2016 -OutputType ServerProtocols

Returns information about the server protocols for the sqlexpress on winserver and the default instance on sql2016.

Required Parameters


The target SQL Server instance or instances.

Required True
Pipeline true (ByValue)
Default Value

Optional Parameters


Credential object used to connect to the Computer as a different user.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Defines what information is returned from the command.
Options include: Full, ServerProtocols, TcpIpProperties, TcpIpAddresses or Certificate. Full by default.
Full returns one object per SqlInstance with information about the server protocols
and nested objects with information about TCP/IP properties and TCP/IP addresses.
It also outputs advanced properties including information about the used certificate.
ServerProtocols returns one object per SqlInstance with information about the server protocols only.
TcpIpProperties returns one object per SqlInstance with information about the TCP/IP protocol properties only.
TcpIpAddresses returns one object per SqlInstance and IP address.
If the instance listens on all IP addresses (TcpIpProperties.ListenAll), only the information about the IPAll address is returned.
Otherwise only information about the individual IP addresses is returned.
For more details see:
Certificate returns one object per SqlInstance with information about the configured network certificate and whether encryption is enforced.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value Full
Accepted Values Full,ServerProtocols,TcpIpProperties,TcpIpAddresses,Certificate

By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False