Author | Chrissy LeMaire (@cl), |
Availability | Windows, Linux, macOS |
Want to see the source code for this command? Check out New-DbaSqlParameter on GitHub.
Want to see the Bill Of Health for this command? Check out New-DbaSqlParameter.
Creates a new SQL parameter.
Creates a new SQL parameter.
[[-CompareInfo] <String>]
[[-DbType] <String>]
[[-Direction] <String>]
[[-LocaleId] <Int32>]
[[-Offset] <String>]
[[-ParameterName] <String>]
[[-Precision] <String>]
[[-Scale] <String>]
[[-Size] <Int32>]
[[-SourceColumn] <String>]
[[-SourceVersion] <String>]
[[-SqlDbType] <String>]
[[-SqlValue] <Object>]
[[-TypeName] <String>]
[[-UdtTypeName] <String>]
[[-Value] <Object>]
PS C:\> New-DbaSqlParameter -ParameterName json_result -SqlDbType NVarChar -Size -1 -Direction Output
Creates a SqlParameter object that can be used with Invoke-DbaQuery
PS C:\> $output = New-DbaSqlParameter -ParameterName json_result -SqlDbType NVarChar -Size -1 -Direction Output
PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance localhost -Database master -CommandType StoredProcedure -Query my_proc -SqlParameter $output
PS C:\> $output.Value
Creates an output parameter and uses it to invoke a stored procedure.
Sets the CompareInfo object that defines how string comparisons should be performed for this parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | |
Accepted Values | None,IgnoreCase,IgnoreNonSpace,IgnoreKanaType,IgnoreWidth,BinarySort2,BinarySort |
Sets the SqlDbType of the parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | |
Accepted Values | AnsiString,Binary,Byte,Boolean,Currency,Date,DateTime,Decimal,Double,Guid,Int16,Int32,Int64,Object,SByte,Single,String,Time,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,VarNumeric,AnsiStringFixedLength,StringFixedLength,Xml,DateTime2,DateTimeOffset |
Sets a value that indicates whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bidirectional, or a stored procedure return value parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | |
Accepted Values | Input,Output,InputOutput,ReturnValue |
Enforces encryption of a parameter when using Always Encrypted.
If SQL Server informs the driver that the parameter does not need to be encrypted, the query using the parameter will fail.
This property provides additional protection against security attacks that involve a compromised SQL Server providing incorrect encryption metadata to the client, which may lead to data disclosure.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | False |
Sets a value that indicates whether the parameter accepts null values.
IsNullable is not used to validate the parameter's value and will not prevent sending or receiving a null value when executing a command.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | False |
Sets the locale identifier that determines conventions and language for a particular region.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | 0 |
Sets the offset to the Value property.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the name of the SqlParameter.
Alias | Name |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the maximum number of digits used to represent the Value property.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the number of decimal places to which Value is resolved.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | 0 |
Sets the name of the source column mapped to the DataSet and used for loading or returning the Value.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. This allows SqlCommandBuilder to correctly generate Update statements for nullable columns.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | False |
Sets the DataRowVersion to use when you load Value.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | |
Accepted Values | Original,Current,Proposed,Default |
Sets the SqlDbType of the parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | |
Accepted Values | BigInt,Binary,Bit,Char,DateTime,Decimal,Float,Image,Int,Money,NChar,NText,NVarChar,Real,UniqueIdentifier,SmallDateTime,SmallInt,SmallMoney,Text,Timestamp,TinyInt,VarBinary,VarChar,Variant,Xml,Udt,Structured,Date,Time,DateTime2,DateTimeOffset |
Sets the value of the parameter as an SQL type.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the type name for a table-valued parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets a string that represents a user-defined type as a parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
Sets the value of the parameter.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value |
By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
Alias | |
Required | False |
Pipeline | false |
Default Value | False |