


Author Klaas Vandenberghe (@PowerDBAKlaas)
Availability Windows, Linux, macOS


Want to see the source code for this command? Check out Get-DbaLastBackup on GitHub.
Want to see the Bill Of Health for this command? Check out Get-DbaLastBackup.


Get date/time for last known backups of databases.


Retrieves and compares the date/time for the last known backups, as well as the creation date/time for the database.

Default output includes columns Server, Database, LastFullBackup, LastDiffBackup, LastLogBackup.


    [-SqlInstance] <DbaInstanceParameter[]>
    [[-SqlCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-Database] <Object[]>]
    [[-ExcludeDatabase] <Object[]>]




Example: 1
PS C:\> Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987

Returns a custom object with Server name, Database name, and the date the last time backups were performed.

Example: 2
PS C:\> Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987 | Select-Object *

Returns a custom object with Server name, Database name, and the date the last time backups were performed, and also recoverymodel and calculations on how long ago backups were taken and what the
status is.

Example: 3
PS C:\> Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987 | Select-Object * | Out-Gridview

Returns a gridview displaying ComputerName, InstanceName, SqlInstance, Database, RecoveryModel, LastFullBackup, LastDiffBackup, LastLogBackup, SinceFull, SinceDiff, SinceLog,
LastFullBackupIsCopyOnly, LastDiffBackupIsCopyOnly, LastLogBackupIsCopyOnly, DatabaseCreated, DaysSinceDbCreated, Status

Example: 4
PS C:\> $MyInstances | Get-DbaLastBackup | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.LastFullBackup.Date -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-3) } | Format-Table -Property SqlInstance, Database, LastFullBackup

Returns all databases on the given instances without a full backup in the last three days.
Note that the property LastFullBackup is a custom object, with the subproperty Date of type datetime and therefore suitable for comparison with dates.

Example: 5
PS C:\> Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987 | Where-Object { $_.LastFullBackupIsCopyOnly -eq $true }

Filters for the databases that had a copy_only full backup done as the last backup.

Required Parameters


The target SQL Server instance or instances.

Required True
Pipeline true (ByValue)
Default Value

Optional Parameters


Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Specifies one or more database(s) to process. If unspecified, all databases will be processed.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Specifies one or more database(s) to exclude from processing.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False