


Author Sander Stad (@sqlstad),
Availability Windows, Linux, macOS


Want to see the source code for this command? Check out Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping on GitHub.
Want to see the Bill Of Health for this command? Check out Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping.


Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping sets up log shipping for one or more databases


Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping helps to easily set up log shipping for one or more databases.

This function will make a lot of decisions for you assuming you want default values like a daily interval for the schedules with a 15 minute interval on the day.
There are some settings that cannot be made by the function and they need to be prepared before the function is executed.

The following settings need to be made before log shipping can be initiated:

  • Backup destination (the folder and the privileges)
  • Copy destination (the folder and the privileges)
  • Privileges
    Make sure your agent service on both the primary and the secondary instance is an Active Directory account.
    Also have the credentials ready to set the folder permissions

** Network share
The backup destination needs to be shared and have the share privileges of FULL CONTROL to Everyone.

** NTFS permissions
The backup destination must have at least read/write permissions for the primary instance agent account.
The backup destination must have at least read permissions for the secondary instance agent account.
The copy destination must have at least read/write permission for the secondary instance agent account.


    [-SourceSqlInstance] <DbaInstanceParameter>
    [-DestinationSqlInstance] <DbaInstanceParameter[]>
    [[-SourceSqlCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-SourceCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-DestinationSqlCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-DestinationCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [-Database] <Object[]>
    [-SharedPath] <String>
    [[-LocalPath] <String>]
    [[-BackupJob] <String>]
    [[-BackupRetention] <Int32>]
    [[-BackupSchedule] <String>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencyType] <Object>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencyInterval] <Object[]>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencySubdayType] <Object>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencySubdayInterval] <Int32>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencyRelativeInterval] <Object>]
    [[-BackupScheduleFrequencyRecurrenceFactor] <Int32>]
    [[-BackupScheduleStartDate] <String>]
    [[-BackupScheduleEndDate] <String>]
    [[-BackupScheduleStartTime] <String>]
    [[-BackupScheduleEndTime] <String>]
    [[-BackupThreshold] <Int32>]
    [[-CopyDestinationFolder] <String>]
    [[-CopyJob] <String>]
    [[-CopyRetention] <Int32>]
    [[-CopySchedule] <String>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencyType] <Object>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencyInterval] <Object[]>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencySubdayType] <Object>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencySubdayInterval] <Int32>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencyRelativeInterval] <Object>]
    [[-CopyScheduleFrequencyRecurrenceFactor] <Int32>]
    [[-CopyScheduleStartDate] <String>]
    [[-CopyScheduleEndDate] <String>]
    [[-CopyScheduleStartTime] <String>]
    [[-CopyScheduleEndTime] <String>]
    [[-FullBackupPath] <String>]
    [[-HistoryRetention] <Int32>]
    [[-PrimaryMonitorServer] <String>]
    [[-PrimaryMonitorCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-PrimaryMonitorServerSecurityMode] <Object>]
    [[-RestoreDataFolder] <String>]
    [[-RestoreLogFolder] <String>]
    [[-RestoreDelay] <Int32>]
    [[-RestoreAlertThreshold] <Int32>]
    [[-RestoreJob] <String>]
    [[-RestoreRetention] <Int32>]
    [[-RestoreSchedule] <String>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencyType] <Object>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencyInterval] <Object[]>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencySubdayType] <Object>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencySubdayInterval] <Int32>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencyRelativeInterval] <Object>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleFrequencyRecurrenceFactor] <Int32>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleStartDate] <String>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleEndDate] <String>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleStartTime] <String>]
    [[-RestoreScheduleEndTime] <String>]
    [[-RestoreThreshold] <Int32>]
    [[-SecondaryDatabasePrefix] <String>]
    [[-SecondaryDatabaseSuffix] <String>]
    [[-SecondaryMonitorServer] <String>]
    [[-SecondaryMonitorCredential] <PSCredential>]
    [[-SecondaryMonitorServerSecurityMode] <Object>]
    [[-StandbyDirectory] <String>]
    [[-UseBackupFolder] <String>]




Example: 1
PS C:\> $params = @{
>> SourceSqlInstance = 'sql1'
>> DestinationSqlInstance = 'sql2'
>> Database = 'db1'
>> SharedPath= '\\sql1\logshipping'
>> LocalPath= 'D:\Data\logshipping'
>> BackupScheduleFrequencyType = 'daily'
>> BackupScheduleFrequencyInterval = 1
>> CompressBackup = $true
>> CopyScheduleFrequencyType = 'daily'
>> CopyScheduleFrequencyInterval = 1
>> GenerateFullBackup = $true
>> RestoreScheduleFrequencyType = 'daily'
>> RestoreScheduleFrequencyInterval = 1
>> SecondaryDatabaseSuffix = 'LS'
>> CopyDestinationFolder = '\\sql2\logshippingdest'
>> Force = $true
>> }
PS C:\> Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping @params

Sets up log shipping for database "db1" with the backup path to a network share allowing local backups.
It creates daily schedules for the backup, copy and restore job with all the defaults to be executed every 15 minutes daily.
The secondary database will be called "db1_LS".

Example: 2
PS C:\> $params = @{
>> SourceSqlInstance = 'sql1'
>> DestinationSqlInstance = 'sql2'
>> Database = 'db1'
>> SharedPath= '\\sql1\logshipping'
>> GenerateFullBackup = $true
>> Force = $true
>> }
PS C:\> Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping @params

Sets up log shipping with all defaults except that a backup file is generated.
The script will show a message that the copy destination has not been supplied and asks if you want to use the default which would be the backup directory of the secondary server with the folder
"logshipping" i.e. "D:\SQLBackup\Logshiping".

Required Parameters


Source SQL Server instance which contains the databases to be log shipped.
You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or greater.

Alias SourceServerInstance,SourceSqlServerSqlServer,Source
Required True
Pipeline false
Default Value

Destination SQL Server instance which contains the databases to be log shipped.
You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or greater.

Alias DestinationServerInstance,DestinationSqlServer,Destination
Required True
Pipeline false
Default Value

Database to set up log shipping for.

Required True
Pipeline true (ByValue)
Default Value

The backup unc path to place the backup files. This is the root directory.
A directory with the name of the database will be created in this path.

Alias BackupNetworkPath
Required True
Pipeline false
Default Value

Optional Parameters


Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

If the backup path is locally for the source server you can also set this value.

Alias BackupLocalPath
Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Name of the backup that will be created in the SQL Server agent.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the backup job name.
The default is "LSBackup_[databasename]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The backup retention period in minutes. Default is 4320 / 72 hours

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

Name of the backup schedule created for the backup job.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the backup job schedule name.
Default is "LSBackupSchedule_[databasename]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Parameter to set the backup schedule to disabled upon creation.
By default the schedule is enabled.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

A value indicating when a job is to be executed.
Allowed values are "Daily", "AgentStart", "IdleComputer"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Daily,Weekly,AgentStart,IdleComputer

The number of type periods to occur between each execution of the backup job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Specifies the units for the sub-day FrequencyInterval.
Allowed values are "Time", "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Time,Seconds,Minutes,Hours

The number of sub-day type periods to occur between each execution of the backup job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

A job's occurrence of FrequencyInterval in each month, if FrequencyInterval is 32 (monthlyrelative).

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Unused,First,Second,Third,Fourth,Last

The number of weeks or months between the scheduled execution of a job. FrequencyRecurrenceFactor is used only if FrequencyType is 8, "Weekly", 16, "Monthly", 32 or "MonthlyRelative".

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

The date on which execution of a job can begin.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The date on which execution of a job can stop.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to begin execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to end execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Is the length of time, in minutes, after the last backup before a threshold alert error is raised.
The default is 60.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

Do the backups need to be compressed. By default the backups are not compressed.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

The path to copy the transaction log backup files to. This is the root directory.
A directory with the name of the database will be created in this path.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Name of the copy job that will be created in the SQL Server agent.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the copy job name.
The default is "LSBackup_[databasename]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The copy retention period in minutes. Default is 4320 / 72 hours

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

Name of the backup schedule created for the copy job.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the copy job schedule name.
Default is "LSCopy_[DestinationServerName]_[DatabaseName]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Parameter to set the copy schedule to disabled upon creation.
By default the schedule is enabled.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

A value indicating when a job is to be executed.
Allowed values are "Daily", "AgentStart", "IdleComputer"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Daily,Weekly,AgentStart,IdleComputer

The number of type periods to occur between each execution of the copy job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Specifies the units for the subday FrequencyInterval.
Allowed values are "Time", "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Time,Seconds,Minutes,Hours

The number of subday type periods to occur between each execution of the copy job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

A job's occurrence of FrequencyInterval in each month, if FrequencyInterval is 32 (monthlyrelative).

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Unused,First,Second,Third,Fourth,Last

The number of weeks or months between the scheduled execution of a job. FrequencyRecurrenceFactor is used only if FrequencyType is 8, "Weekly", 16, "Monthly", 32 or "MonthlyRelative".

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

The date on which execution of a job can begin.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The date on which execution of a job can stop.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to begin execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to end execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

If this parameter is set in combinations of standby the users will be disconnected during restore.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Path to an existing full backup. Use this when an existing backup needs to used to initialize the database on the secondary instance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

If the database is not initialized on the secondary instance it can be done by creating a new full backup and
restore it for you.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Is the length of time in minutes in which the history is retained.
The default value is 14420

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

If this parameter is set the database will be in recovery mode. The database will not be readable.
This setting is default.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

If this parameter is set the secondary database will not be initialized.
The database needs to be on the secondary instance in recovery mode.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Is the name of the monitor server for the primary server.
Defaults to monitor on the instance provided via SourceSqlInstance param.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Allows you to login to enter a secure credential. Only needs to be used when the PrimaryMonitorServerSecurityMode is 0 or "sqlserver"
To use: $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -PrimaryMonitorCredential parameter.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The security mode used to connect to the monitor server for the primary server. Allowed values are 0, "sqlserver", 1, "windows"
The default is 1 or Windows.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values 0,sqlserver,1,windows

Enables the Threshold alert for the primary database

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Folder to be used to restore the database data files. Only used when parameter GenerateFullBackup or UseExistingFullBackup are set.
If the parameter is not set the default data folder of the secondary instance will be used.
If the folder is set but doesn't exist we will try to create the folder.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Folder to be used to restore the database log files. Only used when parameter GenerateFullBackup or UseExistingFullBackup are set.
If the parameter is not set the default transaction log folder of the secondary instance will be used.
If the folder is set but doesn't exist we will try to create the folder.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

In case a delay needs to be set for the restore.
The default is 0.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

The amount of minutes after which an alert will be raised is no restore has taken place.
The default is 45 minutes.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

Name of the restore job that will be created in the SQL Server agent.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the restore job name.
The default is "LSRestore_[databasename]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The backup retention period in minutes. Default is 4320 / 72 hours

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

Name of the backup schedule created for the restore job.
The parameter works as a prefix where the name of the database will be added to the restore job schedule name.
Default is "LSRestore_[DestinationServerName]_[DatabaseName]"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Parameter to set the restore schedule to disabled upon creation.
By default the schedule is enabled.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

A value indicating when a job is to be executed.
Allowed values are "Daily", "AgentStart", "IdleComputer"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Daily,Weekly,AgentStart,IdleComputer

The number of type periods to occur between each execution of the restore job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Specifies the units for the subday FrequencyInterval.
Allowed values are "Time", "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours"

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Time,Seconds,Minutes,Hours

The number of subday type periods to occur between each execution of the restore job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

A job's occurrence of FrequencyInterval in each month, if FrequencyInterval is 32 (monthlyrelative).

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values Unused,First,Second,Third,Fourth,Last

The number of weeks or months between the scheduled execution of a job. FrequencyRecurrenceFactor is used only if FrequencyType is 8, "Weekly", 16, "Monthly", 32 or "MonthlyRelative".

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

The date on which execution of a job can begin.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The date on which execution of a job can stop.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to begin execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The time on any day to end execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The number of minutes allowed to elapse between restore operations before an alert is generated.
The default value = 45

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value 0

The secondary database can be renamed to include a prefix.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The secondary database can be renamed to include a suffix.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Is the name of the monitor server for the secondary server.
Defaults to monitor on the instance provided via DestinationSqlInstance param.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Allows you to login to enter a secure credential. Only needs to be used when the SecondaryMonitorServerSecurityMode is 0 or "sqlserver"
To use: $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SecondaryMonitorCredential parameter.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The security mode used to connect to the monitor server for the secondary server. Allowed values are 0, "sqlserver", 1, "windows"
The default is 1 or Windows.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value
Accepted Values 0,sqlserver,1,windows

Enables the Threshold alert for the secondary database

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

If this parameter is set the database will be set to standby mode making the database readable.
If not set the database will be in recovery mode.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Directory to place the standby file(s) in

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

If the database is not initialized on the secondary instance it can be done by selecting an existing full backup
and restore it for you.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

This enables the user to specify a specific backup folder containing one or more backup files to initialize the database on the secondary instance.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

The force parameter will ignore some errors in the parameters and assume defaults.
It will also remove the any present schedules with the same name for the specific job.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.

Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value False

Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.

Alias wi
Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value

Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.

Alias cf
Required False
Pipeline false
Default Value